U.S. regulator asks Tesla to provide information on Model Y fire in Canada

Time:2022-05-31 11:16:46Source:

On May 27, according to Sina Finance, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) said on Thursday that it had asked Tesla to provide information on the recent incident of a Tesla Model Y in Vancouver, Canada, which was involved in a power outage and fire. In that accident, the Tesla driver broke the window and escaped.

NHTSA said the agency "is aware of this incident and has contacted the manufacturer for information."

Recently, Tesla owner Jamil Jutha of Vancouver, Canada said he was driving a Model Y on Friday when it caught fire.

Jameel said the Model Y was only purchased for eight months.At the time of the incident, the vehicle was driving, and suddenly after receiving an error notification push, the entire vehicle was powered off, and the doors could not be opened internally.Soon after the vehicle was filled with smoke, trapped in the car, he finally chose to escape by breaking the window.

Judging from the picture, the flames are suspected to emerge from the cabin of this blue Model Y, and the power battery at the bottom remains intact, so the natural possibility of battery fire is low.The local fire department arrived after the incident and quickly extinguished the open fire on the vehicle.

Normally, Tesla unlocks the door through electronic buttons in the car, but this design cannot open the door normally when the entire vehicle is powered off.In an emergency, the car is also equipped with a mechanical door opening device for the main and co-pilots.

According to the Tesla Model Y's instruction manual, when the door cannot be opened, the manual door release mechanism can be used. .In non-emergency situations, it is not recommended to use the mechanical door opening device to open the door, which may damage the interior panel of the car.

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