Genesis G90 self-driving top speed is lower than South Korean standards

Time:2022-05-31 11:10:00Source:

Gasgoo, according to foreign media reports, Hyundai Motor Group's high-end model Genesis G90 will hit the market in the fourth quarter of this year.

Image credit: Genesis

Industry insiders revealed on May 29 that the South Korean auto giant recently decided that it will reduce the top speed of autonomous driving systems in accordance with international standards set by the UN Economic Commission for Europe, despite no relevant regulations in South Korea. .

In South Korea, L3 autonomous vehicles, like other vehicles, can reach a top speed of 100 kilometers per hour on highways.A Hyundai Group executive said, "As the target customers of the G90 are not only Korean consumers but also the global market, we decided to adhere to international standards and prioritize safety and seamless production in each market."

There are 6 levels of autonomous driving, ranging from L0, which is fully manual, to L5, which can achieve fully autonomous driving.Level 3 autonomous vehicles can detect road conditions and allow the system to make decisions on its own, such as overtaking slow traffic, but systems at this level still require the involvement of a human driver.

As more self-driving systems hit the market, a UN committee is considering easing the system's speed limits.Hyundai executives said that in the future the company could adjust the speed limit by issuing a software update.

Earlier this month, Mercedes-Benz unveiled its Level 3 autonomous driving system called Drive Pilot, which pioneered the industry in obtaining certification from the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.Unlike Tesla's entirely camera-based system, Mercedes' system uses a richer set of sensors, such as ultrasonic and humidity sensors.The system is only available in Germany and is only available on high-end models such as the S-Class and EQS.

Other automakers, including Tesla, Polestar and GM, will also launch their own L3 systems within this year, and considering the technology is still in its early stages, it is likely that these automakers will only be in their home markets up front. Launched a new system.

Meanwhile, Hyundai said it has also been testing Level 4 autonomous driving systems on its flagshipelectric car, the Ioniq 5, with the goal of commercializing it next year.Level 4 autonomous vehicles can drive almost independently without the intervention or control of a human driver.Level 4 systems can handle unexpected situations, such as system failures, but human drivers can also intervene at any time.

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