Kia Motors will turn off 360° panoramic image function

Time:2022-06-30 12:56:39Source:

According to news on June 29, Kia Motors recently released the "360° Panoramic Function Closure Notice" announcement. The 360° panorama feature will be turned off. We apologize for this and apologize for the inconvenience."

From October 1, 2021, my country began to implement the "Several Regulations on Automotive Data Security Management (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations").According to the relevant regulations of the "Regulations", it is required that "the principle of not collecting by default, unless the driver sets it by himself, the default setting is not collecting every time when driving" "Due to the need to ensure driving safety, it is impossible to obtain the consent of individuals to collect data from outside the car. If the information is provided to the outside of the vehicle, anonymization processing should be performed, including deleting pictures containing recognizable natural persons, or performing partial outline processing on the face information in the pictures, etc.”

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