car wash kit:DIY car wash kit for car washing

Time:2022-05-28 18:19:45Source:

More and more car owners choose DIY to wash the car and have plenty of food and clothing by themselves, which is not only a way to relieve their busy daily work and life, but also a way to keep a house. In the car washing experience of DIY, many drivers were full of enthusiasm and blood. They found several hot eye scratches. After thinking about why, they found that there was a problem with the car washing kit.

DIY car washing also has the risk of damaging the car paint, which is caused by improper tools. The car washing tools seem very ordinary, but in fact they are "secret and great". Each individual tool performs its own duties and is used together. The result is perfect. The sporadic selection and purchase are really a waste of time and energy. After all, car washing is the business. Car washing kits include car washing mops, car washing towels, gloves, deer skin towels, wheel hub brushes, etc. the following describes two car washing kits that people ignore and their functions.
When washing the car, you can't just pick up a bottle of shower gel and detergent. After all, the car paint is not skin. Simple soapy water or low-quality car washing liquid is easy to damage the surface of the car paint, and long-term use will cause the car surface to lose luster. Car washing liquid the main cleaning components of car washing liquid are surfactants extracted from natural vegetable. In addition, car washing liquid generally adds natural car wax to naturally remove the static electricity of the car body. The car wash fluid is generally neutral and will not hurt the hands or the paint. Due to the addition of natural wax, the car body can be given a clean and bright image, and the paint surface can be given a certain elasticity. Ordinary small sand particles generally will not scratch the paint surface. Some car waxes also have strong UV resistance, so that UV rays generally do not pose a threat to the paint surface. It is a popular choice to use the car wash fluid of a regular company.
The car washing sponge is an anti scratch artifact for car washing. Many people know that skichao advocates washing the car with a sponge. One of the secrets of anti scratching is the "honeycomb" on these inconspicuous holes. In the process of cleaning the car body, the sediment and dregs attached to the car body surface are sucked into these honeycomb holes, making the sponge a "vacuum cleaner". In this way, the "three-dimensional" sponge body can incorporate the sand and stone that is easy to scratch the car paint into the body. All kinds of corners and sharp cracks can be well solved. When the sponge deforms to cope with the sharp corners, it can quickly return to its original state after undergoing various distortions and extrusion. It is not deformed, soft and strong, so it is also more durable!

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