Volkswagen launches a subscription model for autonomous driving features: pay-as-you-go, pay-as-you-go

Time:2022-07-11 11:42:20Source:

According to foreign media reports on July 9, in order to realize the "automatic driving assistance system", Volkswagen has established a new division called Cariad.Cariad CEO Dirk Hilgenberg told Bloomberg that Volkswagen has launched a new business model -- a subscription model or features on demand; and sees integration with other services as a key component.

Hilgenberg further introduced the product and said that the product sold is the public platform, which will bring digital services to users,allowingexternal software such as Google, Apple, Amazon and other external software to enter the car system, and can also bring accounts to streaming media. On, including entertainment and office products, can complete functions such as video conferencing.

He hopes that by combining these features, Volkswagen customers can regain some of the time lost to active driving.Of course, that's the same promise Tesla has been making for years, but it hasn't lived up to all those hopes.Even today, it struggles with its fully self-driving technology.

There's also concern that many people don't want to buy a car that requires them to sign up for a subscription service.Back in April, we reported on a Cox Automotive survey that found that three-quarters of consumers didn't want to pay for a monthly or annual subscription service.

And just recently, Volkswagen and Bosch have received permission from the German cartel office to jointly develop autonomous driving technology, with a focus on L2 and L3 autonomous driving systems.Among them, L2-level autonomous driving functions will be deployed on Volkswagen from 2023.

According to a statement in January, Bosch and Cariad aim to "offer a feature that allows drivers to temporarily remove their hands from the steering wheel" in vehicles sold under the Volkswagen Group.In addition, Bosch and Cariad said the components they developed together will likely be deployed in vehicles made by other automakers as well.

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